1875 Needmore Rd.
Dayton, OH 45414
(937) 519-1420
Pure Ohio Wellness Dispensary in Dayton is open:
Monday through Saturday 10 AM to 7 PM
Sunday 12 PM to 5 PM
Pure Ohio Wellness in Dayton has the following discounts:
Veteran 20%
Indigent 15%
Ohio Cannabis Connection in Dayton makes getting your medical marijuana dispensary ID card for Pure Ohio Wellness in Dayton easy and affordable. Call our office to have one of our Patient Support Specialists set an appointment with one of our doctors for you or book an appointment online with us so you can shop at the Pure Ohio Wellness Dispensary in Dayton today.
Visit Pure Ohio Wellness' website for information regarding their dispensary in Dayton and to view their menu. Visit an Ohio Cannabis Connection doctor in Dayton for a medical marijuana dispensary ID card or to renew your card with us. Ohio Cannabis Connection has the best customer service, knowledgeable and compassionate doctors, and the lowest prices around.
Pure Ohio Wellness in Dayton has many options to choose from. View their menu today.
Call Ohio Cannabis Connection in Dayton to make an appointment or book online with one of our doctors to receive your Ohio medical marijuana dispensary ID card for the Pure Ohio Wellness Dispensary in Dayton today.
Ohio Cannabis Connection (513) 889-4012
KY Cannabis Connection (859) 960-2500